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生物素beta Galactosidase抗体| Abcam中文官网
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-31
Biotin Rabbit polyclonal to beta Galactosidase Suitable for: Dot blot, ELISA, WB, IHC-P Reacts with: Escherichia coli Conjugation: Biotin Isotype: IgG

Biotinamidocaproate N-Hydroxysuccinimide Ester (BAC) Biotin/Protein Ratio: 10-20 BAC molecules per rabbit IgG molecule.

The Life Science industry has been in the grips of a reproducibility crisis for a number of years. Abcam is leading the way in addressing this with our range of recombinant monoclonal antibodies and knockout edited cell lines for gold-standard validation. Please check that this product meets your needs before purchasing.

If you have any questions, special requirements or concerns, please send us an inquiry and/or contact our Support team ahead of purchase. Recommended alternatives for this product can be found below, along with publications, customer reviews and Q As

存放说明 Shipped at 4°C. Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks). Store at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycle.
存储溶液 Preservative: 0.01% Sodium azide
Constituents: 0.42% Potassium phosphate, 0.87% Sodium chloride, 1% BSA
纯化说明 This product is an IgG fraction antibody purified from monospecific antiserum by a multi-step process which includes delipidation, salt fractionation and ion exchange chromatography followed by extensive dialysis against the buffer.
The Abpromise guarantee


\"应用说明”部分 下显示的仅为推荐的起始稀释度;实际最佳的稀释度/浓度应由使用者检定。

Biotin Anti-beta Galactosidase antibody (ab6645) at 1/1000 dilution + Beta Galactosidase at 0.05 µg with Blocking buffer

HRP streptavidin conjugate at 1/40000 dilution

发表研究结果有使用 ab6645?请让我们知道,以便我们可以引用本数据表中的参考文章。

ab6645 被引用在 4 文献中.

Matsumoto K et al. In vivo target exploration of apidaecin based on Acquired Resistance induced by Gene Overexpression (ARGO assay). Sci Rep 7:12136 (2017).PubMed: 28939819 Herrera JJ et al. Sustained expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-1 improves blood-spinal cord barrier integrity and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma 27:2067-76 (2010). IHC-FrPubMed: 20799882 Siembab VC et al. Target selection of proprioceptive and motor axon synapses on neonatal V1-derived Ia inhibitory interneurons and Renshaw cells. J Comp Neurol 518:4675-701 (2010).PubMed: 20963823 Glaser T et al. Generation of purified oligodendrocyte progenitors from embryonic stem cells. FASEB J 19:112-4 (2005).PubMed: 15486057
I would recommend ab6645. We do not know if this antibody has been used in formalin treated tissue, however it has been used with IHC and I would expect it to work with formalin treated tissue as it is a polyclonal and thus recognises multiple epitopes.

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This antibody has not yet been tested in Flow Cytometry, therefore we can\'t guarantee that it will work. For a protocol regarding the staining of red blood cells, please see the general FACS protocol on the Abcam website

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This antibody is biotinylated so there will be no need for a secondary antibody. You only require an ABC kit and chromogen. I recommend ab8621 for the ABC kit (Super ABC / Horseradish Peroxidase Basic Kit) and ab8184 (HRP Chromogen kit (DAB)) for the chromogen.I will personally e-mail you my antigen retrieval protocol. Try the pressure cooker method for starters.

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本文链接: http://abcam.immuno-online.com/view-7456.html

发布于 : 2025-03-31 阅读()