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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > juhewu > Abcam/FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 - purified RNA (ab218365)/1 x 96 tests/ab218365
商品详细Abcam/FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 - purified RNA (ab218365)/1 x 96 tests/ab218365
Abcam/FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 - purified RNA (ab218365)/1 x 96 tests/ab218365
Abcam/FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 - purified RNA (ab218365)/1 x 96 tests/ab218365
商品编号: ab218365
品牌: Abcam
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 聚合物
公司分类: juhewu
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


  • Product name

    FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2- purified RNA
  • Detection method

    Flow cytometry-fluorescent
  • Assay type

  • Assay time

  • Product overview

    "FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 - purified RNA (ab218365) contains qualified reagents for the use of our FirePlex® miRNA multiplex assays which detect up to 65 literature curated miRNA in 10 µL of biofluid samples or 100 pg purified total RNA, without the need for RNA purification. FirePlex® miRNA Assay Core Reagent Kit V2 - Biofluid (ab218342) requires the purchase of either:

    - Oncology miRNA Panel (ab218367)- Cardiology miRNA Panel (ab218368)- Immunology miRNA Panel (ab218369)- Liver Tox miRNA Panel (ab218370)- Neurology miRNA Panel (ab218371)- Kidney Toxicity miRNA Panel (ab219508)- Cardiac Toxicity miRNA Panel (ab219509)- Pancreatic Toxicity miRNA Panel (ab219510)

    NOTE: FirePlex miRNA panels require the purchase of a Run Buffer. Use our FirePlex Cytometer Setup Kit V2 (ab245835)to select the most appropriate Run Buffer for your flow cytometer.

    The assay provides PCR sensitivity while eliminating the need for separate reverse transcription reactions and mitigating amplification biases introduced by target-specific qPCR. This is made possible by combining uniquely encoded FirePlex® hydrogel particles with single-step RT-PCR signal amplification using universal primers. The entire assay is performed in 96-well plate format such that users detect up to 65 microRNA targets for each of 96 samples in less than a day’s work.

    The FirePlex® miRNA Assay reliably detects as few as 1000 microRNA copies per sample with a linear dynamic range of ~5 logs. In addition to increased sensitivity, the assay"s multiplexed detection conserves precious sample by detecting multiple microRNA targets from only 10 µL of biofluid, and has been validated for numerous sample types including plasma, serum, exosomes, urine and saliva.

    Find a full list of validated sample types, and learn more about the performance and requirements of these assays,here.

    Our integrated free FirePlex Analysis Workbench software enables easy and rapid data analysis, visualization, and export in under ten minutes, and includes key features such as standard curve analysis and publication-quality heat maps and graphs.

  • Notes

    FirePlex® is a registered trade mark in the United States and is an unregistered trade mark elsewhere.

  • Platform



  • Storage instructions

    Please refer to protocols.
  • Components1 x 96 tests
    10x Rinse Buffer A1 x 30ml
    1x Hyb Buffer (Hybridization Buffer)1 x 25ml
    2x Rinse Buffer B1 x 33ml
    50x Labeling Buffer1 x 200µl
    5x Reporter Solution1 x 4ml
    96 well Filter Plate1 unit
    Catch Plate1 unit
    dNTP mix1 x 120µl
    FirePlex Plate Seal1 unit
    Labeling Diluent1 x 30ml
    Labeling Enzyme1 x 50µl
    PCR Buffer1 x 2ml
    PCR Enzyme1 x 60µl
    Primer Mix1 x 250µl
    RNA Control1 x 50µl